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Credit Card Machines

Credit Card Machines

“I’m a bit like the Queen, in that I don’t carry much cash!”
Go back ten years or so, and this was a commonly quoted idiom. It is commonly attributed to Richard Branson, but whoever first coined this phrase, it was used as a joking way of saying that a person did not carry coins or notes on their person. It alluded to the fact that the Queen does not need to carry cash on her person, since she is not likely to face a situation where she needs to pay for something. The quote became a way of saying that a person was using credit cards to pay but could also be used as an example of self-deprecating humour which implied that the speaker is poor and does not carry money for that reason.
But fast forward to modern day, and that phrase is very rarely quoted. Why? Because the use of cash in shop transactions has greatly decreased. Despite the fact that the number of banknotes in circulation continues to grow, the Bank of England has carried out research showing that cash transactions in 2019 only made about 23% of payments, compared to about 60% a decade earlier. Has the 2020 pandemic and fear over the transmission of the virus, in which many businesses only accepted electronic payments rather than cash, sped up this trend? Only time will show, but it is certainly true that many people do not carry cash on a regular basis. If you have ever driven into a pay and display car park, you may have noticed how many now have to offer credit card machines as a payment option, since so few drivers have the coins which they would have carried only a few years ago.
Is your business keeping up with this trend? Do you have credit card machines which are up to date to accept modern electronic payments? Even if you already have one or more credit card machines, are they modern credit card machines which are suited for the continued development of payment methods? Increasingly, your customers are going to want to pay with credit cards. Not only that, but with the advent of chip and pin, older methods like taking a print off the card or signing the receipt are simply not practical.
Fortunately, at Garrod & Co Ltd we are ready to help with your credit card machines. We can supply credit card machines for use at your till points, as well as integrated credit card machines which have the ‘pay at table’ option which is required by many catering establishments. As well as credit card machines, we can supply all the electronic point of sale supplies you need, including ICR touch software, Epos Touch screens and Sam 4 cash registers.
For more information about our credit card machines, including a free quote for us to set up your electronic point of sale and credit card machines system, contact us using the details on the website.