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ICR Touch Software

ICR Touch Software

Is your business running the best software system? Are you up to date with the best choice of software on the market? If not, your business could be missing out on an efficient and reliable system that is being used by many stores, small and large alike.
At Garrod & Co Ltd, we supply ICR Touch software. Our ICR Touch software, better known as TouchPoint, is in use in many businesses and shops and has proven to be the leading choice for many companies. It could be just what your business needs to maximise efficiency and profits.
ICR Touch software has been developed over fifteen years, which means that it has had extensive development and improvement. This makes it a rugged system which has been tested and implemented in all types of retail systems and environments. ICR Touch has been developing retail software for over 30 years, and this technical expertise is evident in the ICR Touch software on the market.
One of the advantages to choosing ICR Touch software is that it is incredibly flexible. It can handle the wide variety of services and payment options that are common in modern retails, including scanning items, calculating totals, making modifications to the sale with add-ons and bespoke options, handling cash, card and electronic payments and keeping sales records. The ICR Touch software we offer is an all-purpose retail solution which can handle everything you require. This is the case whether you run a small store, with a single till point, or you need a multi-till system for a large store or even a business running multiple stores. ICR Touch software can handle everything that your business needs.
Another major advantage to our ICR Touch software is that it is simple to use. There is no need to spend hours training new staff, or having your supervisors or managers constantly running to sort out problems in operating the till. The ICR Touch software is simple to use and intuitive, despite its advanced capabilities. This means that new and part time staff will quickly get to grips with using the system, saving your business time, and maximising sales on the shop floor.
Does your business have special offers that your employees should mention? The ICR Touch software will ask your team the right questions during the sale, either to double check before they take a step or by prompting them to carry out an action or offer a particular sale option to the customer. This helps you to improve the quality of the customer service and maximise the sales opportunities that your team make.
At Garrod & Co Ltd, we can help with your full electronic point of sale setup. As well as the best in ICR Touch software, we can provide the hardware that you need in your store. This includes credit card machines, Epos Touch screens and Sam 4 cash registers.
For all enquiries about our electronic point of sale supplies, including our ICR Touch software, contact us using the details on the website.