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Visa Supplies

Visa Supplies

As far as we know, people have been trading items of value for many thousands of years, but it probably wasn’t until people in the area of China began to use an early form of money sometime around 770 B.C.E. that cash began to be used. Since then, money has become the tool of all trade, from international deals between nations, to buying a chocolate bar in the local newsagents. For the longest period cash, in the form of paper money, coins, semi-precious items or even shells, was king. However, as of 2017, there is a new sheriff in town, and now debit cards like Visa and Mastercard have overtaken cash as the most common method of payment by people in the UK.
Do You Need Visa Supplies?
If you run a business, whether it is a global corporation or a tiny café on the local high street, the fundamental goal of even the simplest business is to exchange goods or a service for money. If you are a small business owner, cash might make sense and be easy enough to manage, but if you are not set up to manage electronic payments with visa, you are missing out on a slice of the pie. In September 2019, there were a total of 1.6 billion transactions made with visa or debit cards, worth a whopping £51.1 billion. If you do not have your visa supplies set up, then you are missing out on a very tasty slice of pie indeed!
Unlike in the past, customers now expect businesses to have visa supplies set up and are voting with their feet to use businesses where they can pay with visa or contactless. Having the right visa supplies has helped small businesses survive during the difficult years of 2019 and 2020, and visa supplies with contactless payments have provided a safer, more hygiene aware approach to the point of sale which has allowed small businesses to keep trading.
Your Visa Supplies
Whether you want to kit out a string of shops, or just want an easier way for people to pay for their skinny mochaccino, there is an easy answer to getting all of the visa supplies your business will need. Garrod and Co. Ltd. are the experts in shop technology, and they have a wide range of visa supplies, POS systems, printers and cash draws to suit all sizes and specialisms of business. From easy to use, handheld, visa terminals, through to touch screen till points and specially designed ICR touchscreen software, Garrod and Co. Ltd. can offer all of the visa supplies you may need as well as the expertise to fit them. With reliable after sales support, friendly staff and easy to use technology, Garrod and Co. Ltd. are the go-to for all sorts of visa supplies. Not only that, but they can also offer cost-effective, bulk or single orders on other visa supplies like till roll and stickers! Get in touch today for all of your visa supplies.