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Sharp- Casio

Sharp- Casio

Successful small business owners know the value of investing in good quality technology to make their businesses run smoothly and effectively. A business that runs well is efficient, and efficiency saves time. Whether the manager of a Soho boutique or the owner of an international conglomerate, the old adage is still true; ‘time is money’. When you run your own business, your time and energy is measured in pounds and pennies, and anything that can save you time and energy is saving you money in the bank.
When it comes to retail premises, one of the most important single pieces of technology is the cash register. The ability to take money from customers at the point of sale easily, to store it securely and to track takings is essential to a small retail or hospitality business, and all of these are essentially impossible without a good quality cash register and till point.
Northampton based Garrod and Co. are suppliers of top quality electronic point of sale touch screens, software and cash register technology and they specialize in supplying good quality till point technology designed to be practical and cost-effective for small business owners. Garrod and Co. are suppliers of Sharp- Casio cash registers. Sharp- Casio registers are designed with small businesses in mind and are perfect for managing cash and card sales.
Sharp- Casio Cash Registers
Small business owners can benefit from the great design of Sharp- Casio cash registers. Sharp- Casio's range are designed for regular use in cash heavy businesses with tough wearing materials and easy to use, ergonomic design.
Registers in the Sharp- Casio range include a choice of practical design facets that make them perfect for small businesses. These features include things like easy to clean buttons for easy sanitation around food handling areas, large, clear displays for easy reading and secure, anti-theft cash draws. Sharp- Casio cash registers can be programmed with upwards of 999 SKUs for businesses with extensive stock files and can be bought with secure memory to recall sales information for anywhere up to a year.
Sharp- Casio cash registers are easy to use, keeping the all important point of sale as simple and fast as possible. Sharp- Casio cash registers are designed to be intuitive to use and clearly displayed making it easy to train new staff quickly and easily. Whether new to the sales environment or if they are seasoned retail specialists, the Sharp- Casio range of registers will make the point of sale feel natural and easy.
Many of the Sharp- Casio range of cash registers are widely versatile for a range of retail and leisure business uses. They can be programmed with a range of till options so that often purchased products can be quickly sold and that items that are less frequent sellers can be pulled up without difficulty. Sharp- Casio have demonstrated a clear understanding of the point of sale experience both from the seller and the consumer. For you next Sharp- Casio cash register contact Garrod and Co. today.