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EPOS System Rental Northampton

Not many people would dispute that advances in technology have made great changes to the way we shop for goods over recent decades. We can order items online and have them delivered to our door within hours, and can order and monitor services which actually take place many miles away. One area of advancement which has been less visible to the general public is in the field of epos, or electronic point of sale, technology. When we go to our local Northampton supermarket, we are used to seeing the barcode scanners and self service checkouts. But the technology behind the scenes has been changing too.
Garrod & Co are a Northampton company who offer rental services for any epos system your Northampton business may need. Not only do they have the latest equipment available, they are also experts in the software which drives and optimises these devices. If you’re looking for epos system rental in the Northampton area, you’ve come to the right place. Lets take a look at some of the hardware and software solutions Garrod & Co can offer.
The first epos system ever developed was little more than a glorified cash register. Instead of calculating prices mechanically it did it electronically, but offered little to the user over and above its predecessor. The operator still had to input prices, count money and give change. Creating records of sales for analysis was a long and laborious process. If a shop had a rental agreement in place for an early epos system, the best support they could expect would be repairs to the unit if it went wrong.
Bigger changes came along with the widespread adoption of barcode technology, which meant till operators no longer had to input every price manually. But more significantly, this new epos system could accurately track goods and analyse patterns. These patterns today form the basis for a whole new approach to retail management, and when you take advantage of epos system rental deals from Garrod & Co of Northampton you benefit from this new approach.
The computer software supplied under the rental agreement is designed to work in conjunction with barcode scanners and tills, along with various other retail devices. The ICR Touch suite of packages are designed to give retail analysts all the information they need to optimise the performance of their Northampton retail outlets. If garden chairs sell best in the spring, the system can provide data to help you to decide how many to order at the start of the year. If most people who buy frozen fish also buy bags of oven chips, maybe they should be stacked together on your shelves. Every epos system supplied under a rental agreement in Northampton is there to make your life easier and your business more efficient. Many small and medium sized businesses choose the rental option because of the support provided. Garrod & Co have been in this business for thirty years, and their expertise has proved invaluable to many shopkeepers.