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ZY Feb18 EPOS Systems Oxford

Epos, or Electronic Point Of Sale, systems have revolutionised retailing in recent decades. Gone are the clunky mechanical cash registers of yesteryear, to be replaced by high tech touch screen tills, laser barcode scanners and sophisticated control software. Shops in Northampton now have the opportunity to avail themselves of equipment which can take much of the hard work out of the task of managing these operations.
Garrod & Co of Northampton are a leading supplier of epos systems and related hardware and software. If you want your business to be at the cutting edge, check out their website for a comprehensive roundup of all their products.
One of the most exciting products available from Garrod & Co is the latest incarnation of the ICR Touch suite of software packages which are designed to run on the epos systems of your Northampton retail outlet. These programs manage everything from the calculations of the initial sale through to data analysis and archiving, and are adaptable to many different retail applications.
For example, in an Northampton newsagent, epos systems may consist of a standard touch screen till, but if the shop is part of a chain, sales data and other information can be accessed in real time by the head office. This means restocking orders and stock rotation can be quickly worked out, and are not just the results of guesswork. Elsewhere in Northampton, a waiter is taking an order from a customer in his restaurant. His smartphone is running ICR PocketTouch, which is like a digital notepad for taking down food and drink orders. When the customer asks for steak, the program prompts the waiter to ask if he wants vegetables or fries with that. If he tries to order a meal which is no longer available, the software will make him aware of the problem and suggest alternatives. Once the order has been finalised, at the touch of a button the information is transferred to a touch screen in the Northampton restaurant’s kitchen which is running software called, appropriately enough, ICR TouchKitchen. The order is displayed for the chef to see, along with other relevant information such as which other meals are required at the same table. After the meal, the waiter uses his device to take payment, and the epos systems record all necessary data.
These modern epos systems have made such a difference in Northampton stores that management staff have been able to devote more time to other tasks like training employees and serving customers. Use of the epos hardware itself does require a small amount of instruction just as it always has done, but many Northampton till operators happily continue with their jobs largely unaware of the vast processing power of the equipment they are using. These devices can monitor everything from product condition to employee productivity, but all those in the shopping aisles see is the total of the bill. Epos systems in Northampton shops can make our lives run more smoothly without us ever even noticing.